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    Reputation and the bottom line

    Written by Emily Caruso

    Brand and reputation are now inextricably linked to overall performance. As stewards of these critical business metrics –once considered “nice-to-have” –communication leaders are more empowered than ever to provide strategic impact and value by managing relationships with and improving perceptions across key stakeholder groups.

    Recent research by United Minds and its partners demonstrates the growing strategic value of the communications function, as well as areas of focus for its leaders to continue to positively impact business results. 

    Our research shows…

    1.  As expectations of businesses and leaders grow, so too do opportunities for communicators. 
    2.  Communications leaders recognize the rapidly increasing importance of reputation to achieving business goals. 
    3.  Over the next five years, communications leaders believe reputation will become even more critical to business success. 
    4.  Communications leaders (generally) understand what stakeholders consider most important in next five years. 
    5.  When it comes to engaging around societal issues especially, communications leaders are more attuned to stakeholder expectations than other executives. 

    The time is now to ensure this important function is central to future business strategy. Download the full report below.